I Hate Monsanto T-Shirts, Stickers and More

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That’s right. I hate Monsanto. I hate its genetically modified, Roundup-ready seeds; and every greedy sociopath and slobbering would-be scientist who support it. And while I’m at it, let’s throw in the FDA. I know I’m not alone here, so in support of intelligent life, I offer the following anti-Monsanto, anti-GMO T-shirts, bumper stickers and more. These designs come on myriad other products plus 119 styles of T-shirts, and you can personalize them.

Impeach Monsanto Bumper Sticker
Impeach Monsanto Bumper Sticker by 4HEALTH
Find more Monsanto Bumper Stickers at Zazzle
Grow The Resistance Pins
Grow The Resistance Pins by PinsforthePeople
Browse Garden Buttons online at Zazzle.com

For more funny, sarcastic and political T-shirts, cards and personalized gifts, visit https://zazzle.com/vicesandverses.

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