More Funny Easter Cards

NOTE: If you click on a product that’s PG-13 rated Zazzle will tell you it’s no longer available. Not true. Simply scroll down to the bottom of the page to where it says “content filter,” and click “safe” to turn the content filter off. You don’t have to sign in; you’ll be able to see the product.

Okay, Kiddies, I looked through all the “funny” Easter cards on Zazzle and separated the pretty, the sweet, the cute, and the endearing Easter cards to leave you with the frankly tasteless and weird cards. Some of them you may have to explain to me. Anyway, I saved you a lot of work and I know that you’re grateful and maybe more than a little bit twisted.

"Easter Island" Postcard
“Easter Island” Postcard by evilcrayon
Browse Easter Postcards online at

For more funny and offensively irreverent Easter cards, she my former post here:

Any thoughts?

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