Anti-Republican 2016

Anti-Republican 2016

NOTE: If you click on a product that’s PG-13 rated Zazzle will tell you it’s no longer available. Not true. Simply scroll down to the bottom of the page to where it says “content filter,” and click “safe” to turn the content filter off. You don’t have to sign in; you’ll be able to see the product.

Holy shit! Another presidential election is upon us. Time for another post with anti-Republican, pro-liberal or just generally funny political T-shirts, bumper stickers and other gifts.

official koch brothers dartboard
official koch brothers dartboard by exileguy
Look at Rwnj Dartboards online at

Hope you enjoyed these. I find them quite satisfying myself. If you click on a link and decide to buy something, I’ll earn a referral fee. That would be satisfying too. Either way, I had fun. Thanks for the ride.

Any thoughts?

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